Richard DeVos Biography Richard DeVos changed into born in 1926 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His mother and father, Simon Cornellius DeVos, who owned a small electric enterprise, and Ethel Ruth Dekker, named him Richard Marvin DeVos at beginning. Richard endured his education at Calvin College. He commenced his career in the United States Army Air Corps. Which he served in during World War II

Richard DeVos Age, Height, Weight Richard DeVos died at the age of 92. He stood 1.7 meters tall and weighed seventy five kilograms.

Career Amway changed into founded via Richard DeVos and Jay Van Andel. In the year 2000, the business enterprise was restructured as Alticor. Richard has additionally written numerous books, inclusive of “Compassionate Capitalism” and “Hope From My Heart: Ten Life Lessons.” The latter book become written in response to his skip surgical procedure. He and Charles Paul Conn co-wrote the book “Believe!” about their success.

In 2014, he launched his memoir, oddly titled “Simply Rich.” He has served at the boards of several educational institutions, which include Northwood University’s Centre for National Policy and the Constitution Centre of Philadelphia, which is a type of museum devoted to the US of America’s constitution. He turned into also a member of the Christian Leaders Institute’s Board of Directors.

This organization provides free Ministry schooling to vibrant young people. He has also invested in a number of non-profit organizations, inclusive of Free Market Think Tanks and the Heritage Foundation. He has contributed to reasons inclusive of health and training, amongst others.

With his eager hobby in sports, Richard become instrumental in the established order of the University of Central Florida’s sports activities control software. The Richard and Helen Devos Foundation furnished funding for this direction.

Over the direction of his profession, Richard Devos have become increasingly worried within the u . S . A .’s political procedures, at least financially, if no longer otherwise. He is a first-rate supporter of the Republic Party and a selection of conservative causes, such as Focus on the Family and the American Enterprise Institute. He also became buddies with Gerald and Betty Ford. He is famous for owning groups inside the NBA, the International Hockey League, and the American Hockey League.

Richard Devos’s Achievements and Awards The William E. Simon Prize for Philanthropic Leadership has been awarded to Richard DeVos. He presently serves as an honorary trustee for the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation. According to Forbes, Richard DeVos is the 60th richest American and the one hundred and twenty fifth richest man or woman in the world in 2012. However, he was formerly ranked because the 10th richest person in America.

Richard DeVos’s Net Worth in 2022 Richard Devos is worth a whopping $6 billion as of July 2022, thanks to his ever-expanding enterprise empire. Richard DeVos has centered on one key enterprise and thrived in it. He has had other philanthropic ventures on the aspect, all of that have mounted his reputation as a totally enterprising and socially energetic guy.

Richard Devos’s Wife, Marriage Richard DeVos changed into married to the late Mrs. Helen June Devos until 2017 when she exceeded away. The couple had four kids, all of whom have performed success of their respective fields. Dan, his son, is the owner of the “Griffins.” Richard Jr. Became the Republican nominee for Governor of Michigan and is currently married to Betsy DeVos, the USA Secretary of Education.