The previous New Zealand Rugby Association player plays for the Bristol Bears in the English Prevalence. Luatua lives in Bristol, Britain with his accomplice, little girl and canine.

Both Steven and Olivia are initially from New Zealand. Steven moved to the UK in the wake of being endorsed by the Bears in February 2017.

Olivia is a veterinary medical caretaker and a basic entitlements extremist. She is an energetic canine hero and is exceptionally vocal about environmental change issues on her web-based entertainment.

As of late news, Steven has guarded his kindred player Jake Heenan against the boisterous attack from Britain prop Joe Marler. In this article, we investigate Steven’s accomplice Olivia Stunzer-Eade.

Steven Luatua spouse Olivia Stunzer went to the Unitec Foundation of Innovation. Olivia is initially from Auckland.

Olivia is an enthusiastic basic entitlements extremist. As well as being extremely vocal on her web-based entertainment about the major problems of creature savagery, creature testing, creature salvage, and infections that rise up out of messing with wild creatures, she is likewise a pledge drive and candidate on similar subjects.

As per her Facebook at Olivia Stünzner-Eade, she went to Unitec in her old neighborhood of Auckland, New Zealand. She studied veterinary nursing in school in view of her affection for creatures. Olivia as of now fills in as a veterinarian in Bristol.

Olivia is likewise a canine hero and the canine mother of one sweet and delicate pitbull named Quinn. While her Instagram is private, Quinn is frequently included on Steven’s Instagram feed, for the most part playing with Olivia or their little girl Chloe. Quinn is three years of age and praises her birthday on January 16.

A german shepherd named Eli sporadically includes on the couple’s virtual entertainment. It appears to be that Eli lives with Olivia’s mom Tanya Stunzner.

While we don’t have a clue about her definite age, Steven wishes her birthday consistently on Walk 18. Steven is 31 years of age and commends his birthday on April 29.

Steven Luatua and Olivia Stunzer began dating in 2018 and got participated in November 2019.

While we don’t have any idea when or how the couple previously got together, their most memorable public post traces all the way back to January 21, 2018. Since the Bristol Bears marked Steven to play in the English Prevalence just in February of 2018, it is conceivable that the couple met in New Zealand and moved to the UK together after his exchange was settled.

In their most memorable picture, Steven is pointedly wearing a suit, and Olivia looks shocking in a conventional dress, he playfully implying that his companions thought Olivia was way out-of-association for him.

Olivia and Steven frequently go on outings to the very best objections, particularly in Europe. Before their commitment, the couple traveled in Paris, Decent, Berlin, Spain, and Greece, among others. On Olivia’s birthday in 2021, Steven presented a return on their excursion to Greece, where the couple swam in shallow water encompassed by sharks.

Steven proposed to Olivia in November 2019 while an extended get-away to Amsterdam. He reported the commitment to his fans on November 13.

Seven months after their commitment, Steven declared their pregnancy. “Adding one more young lady to our air pocket,” he inscribed the Instagram post including Olivia and the ultrasound of an unborn young lady.

The two appear to have a sound and beautiful relationship. Stunzer is exceptionally steady of Steven’s rugby vocation and Steven is likewise extremely comprehension of Olivia’s necessities and battles in acclimating to the new way of life of being a mother.

Steven Luatua and Olivia Stunzer girl Chloe Talaleu Luatua is two years of age and is now a rugby fan.

For a typically coordinated and gathered Steven Luatua, the 2020 Challange Cup Last in France could never have been more chaotic. Initially having intended to go to the introduction of his youngster, then flying over toward the South of France to confront the French side RC Toulon, Steven had the gift of Bristol Bears chief Pat Lam to miss the game in the event that he was unable to make it.

Steven holds the 2020 Challange Cup last prize in the wake of missing the game to go to the introduction of his kid. ( Source : instagram )

Eventually, Olivia didn’t conceive an offspring until 45 minutes before the opening shot. Despite the fact that the Bristol fans dreaded the shortfall of Luatua, the group skipper, among harmed Nathan Hughes and Charles Piutau, the Bears won by a 32-19 scoreline. Steven didn’t sit around saying thanks to Pat and other people who upheld his choice to remain back in Britain for the introduction of his youngster.

Chloe, the pandemic child, was restricted to the house for the underlying months of her life as Coronavirus lockdowns were vigorously executed all through the UK. Steven, Olivia, and Quinn didn’t allow the child to get exhausted, in any case. Steven’s Instagram feed is loaded with Chloe, Olivia, and Quinn’s tricks.

Having missed her underlying long stretches of open air time, Chloe is currently taking advantage of her opportunity to head outside. Steven and Olivia frequently take little Chloe out to amusement parks, espresso dates, and European excursions. In May of 2022, Chloe had her most memorable taste of the European Terrific Visit when her folks took her to Portugal and Spain.

Undermining generalizations about Pitbulls, two or three has posted many recordings of 3-year-old Quinn playing tenderly with their baby. Perceiving how quiet and patient Quinn is around Chloe, Steve has named his canine “the most understanding little guy on the planet”.

Steven and Olivia, being outdoorsy individuals themselves, appear to know the significance of acquainting your kid with nature quite early on. In spite of having a bustling timetable, Luatua is seen to constantly possess energy for his family, and Stunzer’s devotion to safeguarding basic entitlements and our current circumstance says a lot about the sort of individuals they are.