“I in a real sense shouted and tossed my telephone across the room, which surprised my better half,” Rachael Robertson tells Individuals of the morning in August 2019 when she got a groundbreaking message in her inbox.


The email, sent by a man through the parentage administration MyHeritage.com, conveyed the news that her dad — who she had never met — had at long last been found.

“In the wake of quieting down, my significant other sat with me while I read his email again and again,” she reviews of getting the message sent by her dad, Criss Rosenlof.

“After several hours I figured out how to answer, and we began messaging to and fro to get to know one another.” Rachael was set up for reception by her mom when she was a newborn.

As Criss tells Individuals, Rachael’s mother had gotten pregnant while the two were dating, yet neither of them was keen on marriage or being together long haul.

— Lilli Sawyer (@LilliSawyer170) October 25, 2022

While Criss said he would uphold Rachael’s mom and bring up their youngster all that could be expected, she chose to move to accompany family.

“Half a month after the fact she called me and let me know she had chosen to put the child up for reception,” he reviews.

“At the point when Rachael was born I got a call from her mom letting me know that she had conveyed a girl, and inquiring as to whether I needed to see her,” Criss adds.

“I inquired as to whether she was not set in stone to surrender the kid for reception and she said she was, thus I concluded I would have rather not seen her since I didn’t figure I could deal with seeing her and afterward surrendering her.” Criss, who is presently hitched with three youngsters, always remembered about the girl he won’t ever meet.

His significant other, he says, has been strong of his quest for Rachael all through their relationship.

As they’d later find out, Criss presented his DNA tests to MyHeritage.com about a year after Rachael.

At the point when he did as such, he accepted the odds were thin that it would ultimately prompt his little girl.

“I took the DNA test, realizing it was a remote chance,” he tells Individuals. “There are a few organizations that offer DNA testing, and truly, what was the probability that my girl had even played out a DNA test, not to mention done as such through a similar organization I was utilizing?” However, weeks after the fact, he got a MyHeritage.com message telling him of a match.

“At the point when I got the email with my outcomes around 3 weeks after the fact,” he reviews, “you can envision my unexpected that at the first spot on the list was a young lady who shared approximately 50% of my DNA with the relationship of ‘little girl.’” In the wake of trading messages on the stage, the two met for lunch — something that Criss concedes he was “frightened” about.

“Is it safe to say that she planned to resent me for surrendering her for reception? Did she have a decent life? Did she even need to get to know me?” Criss says. “Rachael ended up being a sweet, cherishing soul, effectively more frightened than I was.” Adds Rachael: “I was so energized however so anxious. However, when we began talking, we shared such a great amount for all intents and purpose!

I had a great time chatting with him, despite the fact that I was as yet wrecked. That being said, Criss comprehended my uneasiness and permitted me to go at my speed for everything. ”

Both Criss and Rachael’s families have met since their get-together, and the two even found Rachael had grown up close where Criss resides. Furthermore, despite everything, Rachael’s better half had previously met Criss two years sooner at a Comic-Con show. The dad little girl team from Utah accepts predetermination united them. “At the point when I began searching for my organic guardians, I realize that there was plausible that I would find somebody who didn’t need me in their lives,” Rachael says.

“I was prepared to acknowledge that, as that sounds their decision. I simply needed to know the why and know a piece of my set of experiences. However, to find somebody who is so kind, and needed me in his life and was really looking for me also, and invited my family and me in with such love is beyond what I might have at any point requested.”

Adds Criss: “I’m simply happy that I had the option to track down Rachael. I generally felt so regretful about surrendering her and pondered during that time whatever happened to her.

I realize that reception is really the caring response in certain circumstances, and I’m happy that Rachael’s mother and I had the option to give a caring girl to her new family.

I’m considerably more joyful that she and her family are back in my life.”