As per an assertion delivered by the Chief Of Police in the state, Mr. Abdu Umar, the suspect was captured on October nineteenth, 2022 by men of the Order at Anguwan Doki.

The assertion uncovered that the person in question, Goni Abbah who was the Central Imam in the space got back from the mosque, and his subsequent spouse, the suspect had blended his food in with poison. The assertion further said that the casualty subsequent to eating the food ended up in a terrible state.

He was then hurried to the State Expert Emergency clinic for clinical consideration however sadly, he passed on later. Cops were immediately conveyed to his home to capture the suspect however they met a few perturbed young people who needed to kill the suspect.

Fatima upon cross examination at the police order admitted to the wrongdoing she had purchased the toxin and decided to dispense with her significant other in light of the fact that she could do without the marriage.

As indicated by her, dissimilar to most ladies who appreciate marriage, she loathes marriage. She uncovered that the departed is her second spouse as she got isolated from her most memorable husband since she loathed that marriage as well. “I never needed the marriage. Goni was my subsequent spouse; I got isolated from my most memorable husband since I could do without marriage. Whenever I awakened with the way that I am hitched, it annoys me.

Eventually, I needed to race to my parent to request a finish to the marriage yet they generally sent me back, requesting that I show restraint”, she said. Not that he doesn’t treat me well, however we are additionally not quarreling.

A 25-year-old housewife, Fatima Abubakar, has been arrested by the police operatives in Borno State for allegedly k#lling her husband, Goni Abbah with poi§on.

According to a statement released by the

— Instablog9ja (@instablog9ja) October 30, 2022

We are two in the family, I’m his subsequent spouse and I have been hitched to him beginning around 2021. Yet, I simply could do without when any man approaches me. I don’t have any idea what’s going on with me.

Indeed, even now that I am addressing you, I don’t feel that I was the person who killed him,” she added. She likewise described how she passed on her marital home subsequent to bringing forth her most memorable youngster to proceed to rest in an uncompleted structure.