FedEx Tracking is the act of tracking the status of your shipment as it moves on its way to its last and final destination. The package or shipment is given a barcode or tracking number for it to be tracked until it is safely delivered.

How Does it Work?

Note that with FedEx tracking, you get real-time information about your package as it travels down to its delivery location. The FedEx tracking is done by assigning each parcel with a unique and different tracking number and barcode. Each time the package leaves and enters the FedEx facility, it is scanned. A photo of the receiver’s signature and a document proving delivery will be uploaded by FedEx, post-delivery. The tracking number helps the shipper to know where the parcel has been taken to and the duration of its stay there. Large shippers track shipments through purchase order numbers or reference numbers. FedEx offers updates of the estimated delivery times as the process is done. 

FedEx also provides a mobile tracking application. InSight is offered by the firm which gives higher-volume shippers the ability to follow up on the tracking details of shipments going out and coming in without using tracking numbers. This offer includes data about shipment status and content which can be downloaded and can help in planning for future times. The basic tracking and the InSight are offered free, and you can use them. If you get a notification about a change or a delay you cannot comprehend, it’s pivotal to be aware of your available options.

Who Can Use FedEx?

FedEx can be used by shipping companies, e-commerce customers and it is used in over 220 countries and territories.

If FedEx is not early?

The number of packages that arrive late is small, in all cases. E-commerce customers may not have experienced it but it is very known to shippers. If a package is delivered late, even if it is in minutes, you will receive an entitled result according to the contract signed. To get credit from the company, the shippers must send a request for a refund. This must be done within 15 days of the date on their invoice (calendar days). Every shipper needs to form a process for the review of their invoices on regular bases. This always helps the shipper get refunds.

How Many Days Does A Tracking Number Last?

Tracking info is kept available by FedEx for 90 days after delivery for Express Freight, FedEx Express, and Ground and Custom Critical shipments. The FedEx Freight shipment info stays for two years after delivery. Tracking numbers are not used and abandoned, they are recycled. So, if you feel like downloading shipment data linked to a given tracking number, be sure to do that within that period.

Tracking Package Without a Tracking Number?

Tracking can be done without tracking numbers. The status of your package is tracked with your account number and references assigned by yourself to the shipments. The shipper can change the name of the package to a user name. As spoken of earlier, FedEx InSight allows customers to track shipments from a joint and centralized portal, and not in a one-by-one manner that uses tracking numbers. If so many individual pieces are included in a shipment, FedEx will give each parcel tracking number but make one of it, the chief/master tracking number. That number is used to track all the pieces in the shipment.

Significance Of FedEx Tracking

If there is a  late arrival, you have to explain this to your customers. The customers are accustomed to fast, trusted and accurate shipping the same as you. They may also be tracking the orders. If things do not go as planned, they will want explanations immediately, and so will you. 


Everything you need to know about FedEx Tracking; what it means, the way it works, its importance, the way to track without using a tracking number, the duration, people who can use it, and things to do in case of a late arrival of shipments have been highlighted. We hope this article removes all doubt about FedEx Tracking and helps you make a good decision when shipping a package.

  1. What system do FedEx use to track?

FedEx company couriers use the SuperTracker handheld computer to monitor the movement of shipments through FedEx integrated network

  1. How much accuracy does FedEx Tracking have?

The FedEx tracking system is very accurate and reliable. Its accuracy is one of the best in the industry.